Peter Jurasik

Babylon 5: In the Beginning

Babylon 5: In the Beginning

Londo Mollari, the Centauri Emperor, recounts the initial contact between the Humans and Minbari, which resulted in a major incident and subsequent war, for an eager pair of youngsters wanting a story about love and conflict.
The Late Shift

The Late Shift

David Letterman vies with Jay Leno and his manager to succeed Johnny Carson, retiring from "The Tonight Show."
Babylon 5: The Gathering

Babylon 5: The Gathering

The first installment of this Emmy award-winning series. A movie based at Babylon 5: a new space station built by Humans. The Vorlon ambassador, Kosh, has been poisoned. It is the new commanding officer's, Jeffrey Sinclair, responsibility to find the culprit. Otherwise the space station will fail in its role to bring all the races together.
Mr. Jones

Mr. Jones

The story about the relationship between a manic depressive man, Mr Jones, and the female doctor who takes more than a professional interest in his treatment.
Without a Kiss Goodbye

Without a Kiss Goodbye

True story of a middle class mother charged with murdering her baby, despite her denials. Re-tells the story of the medical and police investigations, the later court proceedings and the final outcome.
Problem Child

Problem Child

Ben Healy and his social climbing wife Flo adopt fun-loving seven year old Junior. But they soon discover he's a little monster as he turns a camping trip, a birthday party and even a baseball game into comic nightmares.




When brilliant video game maker Flynn hacks the mainframe of his ex-employer, he is beamed inside an astonishing digital world...and becomes part of the very game he is designing. In his mission through cyberspace, Flynn matches wits with a maniacal Master Control Program and teams up with Tron, a security measure created to bring balance to the digital environment.